Investment Education

Investment Education Resources

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Allocating across a broad range of global sectors and asset classes can help enhance return potential and moderate overall portfolio volatility. Learn about our risk-factor-based approach to asset allocation and the factors that investors should consider when deciding where to invest.

Understanding the Risk/Reward Spectrum
The Benefits of Staying Invested

The Benefits of Staying Invested

Investors are more likely to reach their long-term goals if they remain invested and avoid short-term decisions that may take them off course.

Risk Factor Diversification

Risk Factor Diversification

Learn about risk factors and the benefits of applying risk factor-based diversification to your portfolio.

Prepare for Economic Changes with a Broader Allocation
The chart depicts examples of how hedging effectiveness varies depending on market scenario. It outlines most effective and least effective environment for correlation-based hedges (long Treasuries, trend following, alternative risk premia) and direct hedges (tail risk).

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Bonds offer the potential for regular income, preservation of capital and portfolio diversification, and can also serve as a hedge against riskier asset classes, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. Learn about the benefits of a diversified global bond portfolio and the broad array of sectors from which investors can choose.

Introduction to Bonds

Investment Basics: Bonds

Learn about how bonds work, the relationship between interest rates and bond prices and the important role bonds play in portfolios.

Sustainable Investing: Understanding ESG in Bonds
Investment Basics: Duration
Investment Basics: Benchmarks
Investment Basics: Yield Curve

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Complementary asset classes and investment strategies can potentially provide an overall risk and reward balance in a portfolio over the long term. Explore these select topics to learn more about the ever-expanding range of investment choices available today.

Sustainable Investing: Understanding ESG in Bonds
Understanding the Risk/Reward Spectrum
Understanding Tail Risk

Understanding Tail Risk

Learn about “tail risk” and how portfolios can be managed to minimize losses without curtailing growth.

Understanding Preferred Securities

Understanding Preferred Securities

Traditional preferred securities (“preferreds”) are fixed-income investments with equity-like features mainly issued by large banks and insurance companies.

Understanding Alternatives’ Speak

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Understanding the impact that volatility and severe market shocks can have on long-term returns, and planning accordingly, should be an important consideration in investment decision-making. Learn how investors can proactively guard their portfolios against these risks and their potentially disastrous outcomes.

Understanding the Risk/Reward Spectrum
Understanding Tail Risk

Understanding Tail Risk

Learn about “tail risk” and how portfolios can be managed to minimize losses without curtailing growth.

Tail Risk: The Cost of Recovery
Risk Factor Diversification

Risk Factor Diversification

Learn about risk factors and the benefits of applying risk factor-based diversification to your portfolio.

The chart depicts examples of how hedging effectiveness varies depending on market scenario. It outlines most effective and least effective environment for correlation-based hedges (long Treasuries, trend following, alternative risk premia) and direct hedges (tail risk).
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Over time, inflation erodes investment returns and reduces the purchasing power of savings, posing a significant threat to long-term financial goals. Inflation can also spike unexpectedly, defying the predictions of even the most seasoned professionals. Learn about the historical impact of inflation and ways investors can hedge their portfolios against this threat.

Understanding Inflation

Understanding Inflation

Inflation affects all aspects of the economy, from consumer spending, business investment and employment rates to government programs, tax policies, and interest rates. Understanding inflation is crucial to investing because inflation can reduce the value of investment returns.

Prepare for Economic Changes with a Broader Allocation
Inflation in a Historical Context
Even Modest Inflation Can Erode Purchasing Power
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Understanding Alternative Investments

Understanding Alternative Investments

Alternative investments offer opportunities to diversify portfolios in times of market uncertainty. But among a range of options, investors must first understand the risks and benefits.

How can alternatives help during periods of market volatility?